The Webretailer News Digest for November 22, 2022

It’s officially Thankgiv…we mean Black Friday Week! Many sellers on Amazon and Etsy have already started their online sales. Have you? Tell us below! 

And here’s a Black Friday statistic: A survey last year had 62% of buyers saying they thought Black Friday was actually a scam. But you’ll likely prove them wrong 😉

Today’s tips have 451 words and take one minute and fifteen seconds to read.

Black Friday tips for your eCommerce

We’ve arrived! It’s Black Friday week, and we hope you made preparations to ensure success this year. At this point, supplier and optimization tips are past due, so we’re focusing strictly on Black Friday marketing. 

Hopefully, you already started marketing for the big weekend and week to come. But here are some recommendations on how you can maximize returns on your campaigns. 

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Marketing Tips: Week of the Event

1. Sneak in with email marketing

While many sellers tap their social media following to drive Black Friday sales, not everyone is on the same level with Facebook and the like. But that creates an opportunity when oversaturation is an issue.

It’s not like there won’t be a bunch of Black Friday emails. But on social media people swipe fast. Whereas on email, there’s a slim opportunity in your ‘subject’ line. Even those who move things to the bin with haste will stop to click an email with a solid subject line.

Use the power of your subject line to draw attention to your promotions and then wow them with superb copy, images, and colors. Most readers probably haven’t routed your emails to the ‘Promotions’ tab, so it’s an excellent opportunity to attract traffic. 

2. ‘Urgency’ is the word of the day

Regardless of which channel you use, Black Friday marketing follows two rules:

  1. Offer your top discounts of the entire year.
  2. Create a sense of urgency as those deals vanish until next year.

You already set up your promotions — hopefully — so we’ll focus on creating the urgency in your marketing. It’s all in the copy! 

Use your copy to remind customers that Black Friday sales only come once a year and when the deals are gone… they’re gone! You see it often, so this isn’t a new concept. Here are some copy elements you can throw into the mix:

  • A countdown email or social media campaign that marks the end of your Cyber Week sales. 
  • Follow up emails with customers who didn’t buy adding some extra discounts for completing their purchase.
  • Creating new deals in the middle of Cyber Week to offload products not selling as well or with overstock.  

3. Incentivizing gifts

Established sellers have access to small, inexpensive gifts to add to carts. And while it may be too late to order something new for this Black Friday. You can always offer a code for a discount on their next purchase.

With the Holiday Season in full swing, it’s a great opportunity to say ‘thank you’ with a coupon code for another purchase by the end of the year. Regardless, find some kind of ‘gift’ that thanks your customers for choosing you during the busiest time of the year!

Also in the news

  • Poshmark launches ‘Secondhand Sunday’ in the middle of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Poshmark.
  • Amazon FBA and referral fee updates. Amazon.


Jake Pool

Jake Pool

A content writer in the SaaS, FinTech, and eCommerce spaces, Jake Pool has written hundreds of articles and reviews for dozens of corporate blogs and online publications. With four years under his wing, readers can expect many more informative articles in the future.

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